

Company History

The Polish shipyard Delphia Yachts was founded in 1990 by brothers Peter (Piotra) and Wojciech kot (Wojciecha Kot) in the small town of Olecko in the North of the country. Initially the company was called Sportlake and specialized in the production of sailing yachts. His first boat, the shipyard Sportina released, when there were only a few people. The profit from the sale and borrowed funds the company spent on the construction of its own production space and the purchase of equipment to reduce rental costs.

In the Summer of 2003 the shipyard has re-branded and came to light Delphia Yachts. To change the title decided because of the orientation of the company to foreign buyers and the launch of the new range of Delphia. In the middle of the 2000s company has moved to a conveyor Assembly.

Despite the relatively small by the standards of the shipyards age, Delphia Yachts has become the largest manufacturer of boats in Poland and is popular all over the world. More recently, the model joined the company's motor yachts.


Delphia Yachts Factory is located in the rich sailing tradition of the city of Olecko. The company owns facilities covering 12 900 sq. m., where are manufactured boats under its own brand as well as model Uttern and Quicksilver in partnership with Brunswick Marine.

The Production capacity of the shipyard is worthy of respect — every year is built around 1400 motor boats and sailboats 240. But the company does not focus only on quantity, particular attention is paid to quality.

The Models are designed using modern technology and in the manufacture of quality and durable materials. Delphia Yachts has set itself the ambitious goal to match the quality and prestige of the Scandinavian shipbuilders.


The range of the shipyard comprises two series — motor and sailing yachts. First include boats with lengths from 8 to 14 meters. It >sea of SUVs in Scandinavian style >closed cruise cabin with hardtop, >displacement models (Nano boat) to explore the channels and lakes.

Sailing From the shipyard produces a cruising boat >Mediterranean cockpit for a comfortable travel and >sporty dinghies that are popular with beginner sailors and athletes.


Delphia Yachts is in step with the times, using advanced developments in shipbuilding and the manufacturer does not forget about ecology. The company invests in the development of projects on environmental protection and optimizes production processes to reduce negative impact on nature.

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