Bullet Boats

Bullet Boats

In the fall of 1980, Bullet Boats, inc. was founded by a small group of people who were craftsmen in the design, use and construction of tournament bass boats. Quietly and without fanfare, Bullet Boats was established with a commitment to innovation in design. Frankly, we cannot understand how someone could be proud of a product which they had not developed themselves. Craftsmanship, quality and integrity are words that mean everything to each person involved in the design and construction of a Bullet Boat. "A quality boat that provides performance and design in all areas and creates a sense of pride in ownership" is the theme that has guided the company from its very first days to its premier position today in the bass boat industry.

Through the years, our boat model offerings have developed, expanded and refined…..as have our construction techniques...as have the skills of our employees. Since its beginning, Bullet Boats has operated primarily as a production driven company. Increased sales have resulted from increased production as our pool of skilled employees, who take pride in the mastery of their craft, has grown. Some companies are strictly sales and marketing driven, selling a lot of boats, then trying to figure out how to manufacture them.

Our philosophy is just the opposite: Deliver quality and the sales deliver themselves. Uncompromising quality is the reason skilled employees are so important to Bullet Boats. Bullets are 100% hand laid...not just the hull, but the deck, livewells and storage boxes, a true 100%. The techniques involved with hand lay-up require skill and careful precision. Products used in the Bullet Manufacturing process - such as Kevlar, various Core Materials, Bias Ply Knits, and Vinyl –ester based resins, all demand a thorough materials knowledge and expertise. Our employees are as schooled in the composition and construction of a Bullet Boat as are its designers. At Bullet we continue to test our boats and their combinations with all types of engines, propellers and set-ups. We subject this testing not just to our opinion, but to the scrutiny of independent testing. Many of these results are shown in reviews and product bulletins.

This unbending standard for excellence at Bullet means that our production, despite greater demand, will remain basically limited. We control the quality of each and every boat through our construction methods and by limited production.

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