

  • Vereinigte Staaten
  • 790 Markham Dr Pulaski, 54162 Larson Boats LLC

100 years ago in little-Falls, on the Bank of the Mississippi, Paul Larson began to make a wooden rowing boat. He then switched to sailing yachts, but soon returns to his boats. The tree was replaced by steel, which in turn was supplanted by duralumin (it's already in the post — war years) the Floor constantly keeps the nose "in the wind", catching the market trends. To the fifties of the "Larsons" can be found in every corner of the USA, they are actively trafficked to Canada and other countries. As if summing up the years of successful activities, the shipyard produces a boat with the symbolic name of All-American. Falls into the "top ten"! Stylish best-selling "duralco" take snapped. But the label "Larson" finally secured as a brand for decades. Currently, the range of yard — 24 boats in five different series. Is LX (16-22 ft bowrider plus one Cuddy-cabins — total of 7 models), LXi (24-29 ft. towing, 3 PCs.), LSR (20-23 ft. bowrider, 3 PCs.), Cabrio (26-32 ft. cruisers, 3 PCs.), FX (17-20 ft. Dakota, 7 pieces). And, of course, half of the symbol and mascot of the shipyard, in its modern incarnation — the All American 23. Among all of its competitors Larson is also known for modesty: their boats, de facto, more than the claimed foot index in the model name. That's because Larson cunning not including in the overall length of the boat aft platform and pulpit, as is customary in many (not pointing any fingers) modern shipyards. Celebrating this year its centenary, the company still produces a very narrow segment of sports boats, but it really tries to please the most refined tastes. Its dealer network consists of 39 locations, and only 17 of them are located outside the United States. But really, it turns out, All-American.



Länge 5.97 m6 Passagiere2013 - 2025
Länge 6.25 m8 Passagiere2013 - 2025
Länge 7.01 m10 Passagiere2013 - 2025


Länge 4.93 m6 Passagiere2013 - 2015
Länge 4.93 m6 Passagiere2013 - 2016
Länge 5.64 m8 Passagiere2013 - 2015
Länge 5.64 m8 Passagiere2013 - 2016
Länge 5.71 m8 Passagiere2015 - 2017
Länge 5.96 m7 Passagiere2013 - 2016
Länge 5.96 m7 Passagiere2013 - 2015
Länge 6.12 m8 Passagiere2013 - 2015
Länge 6.12 m8 Passagiere2013 - 2017
Länge 6.12 m8 Passagiere2014 - 2016
Länge 6.42 m8 Passagiere2013 - 2015
Länge 6.42 m8 Passagiere2013 - 2016
Länge 6.43 m8 Passagiere2013 - 2016
Länge 6.50 m7 Passagiere2011 - 2014
Länge 6.90 m7 Passagiere2011 - 2014
Länge 6.90 m7 Passagiere2011 - 2014
Länge 7.03 m10 Passagiere2013 - 2015
Länge 7.03 m10 Passagiere2013 - 2017
Länge 7.04 m10 Passagiere2013 - 2016
Länge 7.16 m10 Passagiere2009 - 2012
Länge 7.77 m1 Kabine8 Passagiere2013 - 2016
Länge 7.77 m12 Passagiere2013 - 2016
Länge 9.27 m10 Passagiere2013 - 2016

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