Sea ray 390 express cruiser

Sea ray 390 express cruiser

Kennewick, United States

Sea ray 390 express cruiser for sale

11,89 m
4,24 m
0,71 m
439,00 tonne
136 liters
Fresh water
379 liters
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Estimate price

$ 39 900
Very cheap
Valuation based on average market value
$ 135 532$ 251 703
$ 312
  • $ 109 0.27%
  • $ 93 0.23%
  • $ 109 0.27%
  • $ 93 0.23%
  • $ 125 0.31%
  • $ 140 0.35%
  • $ 172 0.43%
$ 21 368
  • $ 4 150
  • $ 722
  • $ 2 075
  • $ 2 075
  • $ 1 349
  • $ 1 349
  • $ 1 349
  • $ 8 300


Stock #229062 -

Only 80 photos shown. All 93 photos available on popyachts.com/view/229062

Located in Kennewick, Washington, this 1986 Sea Ray 390 EC has low hours on Twin Crusader 350 HP engines which run as smooth as silk as per seller. The engines have been well maintained with annual oil changes and tune-ups. This Sea Ray has always been used on the freshwater Columbia River and stored in covered slips.

Comes with a Zodiac, eight foot rubber dinghy with a hard plastic bottom insert and a Tohatsu, 2.5 HP outboard included with the Sea Ray.

The Helm has many unique features for the Captain installed above the standard 390 EC. For example, there are two additional engine controls on the rear Port and Starboard sides to help docking the bo ... [click "Watch the video" under Resource Links to visit our website for full description]

Please submit any and ALL offers - your offer may be accepted! Submit your offer today!

Reason for selling is not using enough.

Pop Yachts is a 5-star dealership, consistently given the highest ratings in customer service. Pop Yachts sells more than 1,700 boats/year, through word of mouth, customer referrals and good customer service. Contact Pop Yachts today, describe the perfect boat for you or your family, and you'll see why they are considered the best.

We have several active listings for Bayliner, Carver, Wellcraft, and Chris-Craft. If you're in the Pasco, Richland, Walla Walla, or Hermiston areas, please use the form on this page to let me know what you're looking for and I'll get back with you today about any other express cruiser options we have locally that may meet your needs.

You have questions? We have answers. Call us at (941) 914-9217 to discuss this boat.

Selling your boat has never been easier. At Pop Yachts, we literally sell thousands of units every year all over the country. Call (855) 201-8801 and we'll get started selling your boat today.

$ 39 900
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Sea ray 390 express cruiser for sale

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    Added: 19:26 07.05.2021
    Updated: 21:33 10.10.2021


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