Sale yacht in Greece

5 yachts for sale in Greece

Due to favorable climatic conditions, the Greek yacht market is full of offers for the sale of yachts of all types, and many foreigners prefer to buy a yacht here here for both their own and commercial needs. With the right approach to the acquisition process, the value of the yacht can be reduced.

We carry out sale of yachts in Greece of various types and displacement, if you cannot find a suitable option in terms of cost and equipment on the website, brokers for the sale of yachts will help you, because they research the entire dynamic yacht market and can always find what is right for you. We are engaged in professional support of transactions in the Greek yacht market and are happy to advise clients on all emerging issues.

Don't miss it in Greece:
Gib Sea 43
  • 1991
  • Length 12.00 m
  • Beam 4.26 m
  • Draft 2.10 m
$ 46 687
03:42 17.02.2023
  • 2012
  • Length 15.42 m
  • Beam 4.82 m
$ 164 961
10:20 22.07.2022
Azimut 86S
Attiki, Greece
  • 2008
  • Length 26.49 m
  • Beam 5.83 m
$ 1 400 611
12:02 05.02.2024
Seawind Venturer 38
Marathon, Greece
  • 1999
  • Length 11.58 m
  • Beam 5.23 m
  • Draft 1.07 m
$ 230 000
03:00 01.06.2022
Ferretti 830
Athens, Greece
  • 2006
  • Length 26.02 m
  • Beam 6.26 m
$ 1 753 357
11:20 05.02.2024

Greece is a country washed immediately by 7 seas (Aegean, Ionian, Mediterranean, Thracian, Ikarian, Libyan and Cretan), and its main wealth are numerous islands, bays and harbors. There are all conditions for yachting, because, despite the small territory, the length of the coast of Greece is the largest among European countries.

Buying a yacht in Greece

You can choose and buy a yacht in Greece to see the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea and ancient monuments of architecture, visit luxurious beaches, get acquainted with local traditions and try national dishes.

Greece has the largest fleet of leased yachts, second only to the Croatian in numbers. The long yachting season allows you to relax at sea from April to October, exploring the local beauty from the water. It is from the deck of the ship that the best views of the snow-white islands, paradise beaches and the purest water surface open. If you are planning to buy a yacht in Greece , you should have no problems with the maintenance of the vessel, customs duties and other points. 2yachts is ready to bring to your attention a wide selection of yachts from small models to luxury megayachts. Experienced yacht brokers are involved in the acquisition of the vessel, evaluating the technical condition of the used yachts and preparing documents in accordance with the requirements of the law.

To choose a yacht for purchase in Greece , use the capabilities of our catalog - offers can be sorted by type of vessel, region and other parameters. With us you can pick up and buy vessels manufactured by leading European shipyards, you can find out all the details from our manager.

When planning to relax on a yacht trip in Greece, you need to take into account that there are various conditions for yachting - from the most sparing to the water areas, more suitable for experienced sailors. There are many harbors in the country, the maintenance of which is cheap or generally all free of charge, there are many options for routes of varying difficulty and length for yachting enthusiasts. The local population is friendly to visitors. Most of the beaches are rocky and pebble, but marked with the Blue Flag quality mark. 2yachts specialists sell yachts in Greece - in Lavrion, on the island of Corfu, in the port of Kalamata and other places of Hellas.

A significant plus of Greece in terms of acquiring and maintaining a yacht is its well-developed infrastructure, thanks to which you will not have to have problems with the service, with the crew, or at other times. When choosing yachts for sale in Greece , you can consider this purchase as a profitable investment, because renting a vessel in the future, you can get additional profit without much hassle. Choose a yacht by type of vessel, length and seller - a yacht broker can help you find the most profitable offers.

Cost of a yacht in Greece

In case of purchasing a used vessel, keep in mind that the cost of a yacht in Greece can be significantly reduced for the buyer if serious shortcomings are detected, for example, dents on the hull, etc. During a visual inspection, first of all, you need to pay attention to how the vessel is kept on the water - is there a roll, etc. Then you need to inspect the interior, to evaluate the convenience and comfort of staying in the cabin. The seller should find out whether the vessel participated in the accident, operating conditions, reason for the sale and other points. And the older the ship, the more documents you need to request from the seller and check. Our experts will help you in assessing the technical condition of the vessel, checking and preparing the necessary documents for the transaction.

Looking for yachts for sale , you should not rely only on your own strengths. Participation in a yacht broker transaction ensures compliance with the laws of the country in which the vessel is purchased and saves you from solving many possible inconsistencies. The process of acquiring a vessel may involve the provision of many additional services (for example, after-sales service, registration under a new flag, etc.), and it is better to organize these types of services through a broker company branch in this region of Europe. We can offer an extensive selection of options and familiarize you with the driving characteristics of the vessel, the condition of the exterior, interior, cabins and photographs before buying.

Due to favorable climatic conditions, the yacht market in Greece is very actively replenished with new offers, and many foreigners prefer to buy ships here both for their own and commercial needs. With the right approach to acquiring a vessel, the cost of a yacht can be significantly reduced in the process of communicating with the owner, based on the results of a technical inspection or the influence of other factors.

We sell yachts of various types and displacement - to receive photos, specifications and diagrams of the selected vessel, leave a request on our website. If you are unable to find the option that suits you best in terms of cost and equipment, yacht brokers will help you - after all, they will explore the entire dynamic yacht market and can always find what suits you best. We are engaged in professional transaction support in the Greek yacht market and are happy to advise clients on all emerging issues. Meeting you on the website of the team of specialists in the acquisition and sale of yachts in various regions of the world, we wish you good luck in acquiring the ship of your dreams!

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