Freedom 35 centerboard

Freedom 35 centerboard

Freedom 35 centerboard for sale

10,76 m
3,66 m
1,07 m
Cruising speed
5,00 kn
Max speed
8,00 kn
Name of boat
Liberty Belle
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Estimate price

$ 70 000
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 25 731$ 47 785
$ 844
  • $ 343 0.49%
  • $ 290 0.41%
  • $ 211 0.3%
  • $ 237 0.34%
  • $ 158 0.23%
  • $ 158 0.23%
  • $ 158 0.23%
$ 16 580
  • $ 3 260
  • $ 280
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 6 520


The Freedom 35 took shape on the screens at Pedrick Yacht Designs. To fulfill the mandate of a versatile, fast yacht, they chose a moderate displacement hull, allowed enough volume for full interior comfort, and gave her ample stability to deliver a well controlled ride in light air or in a blow. So that - under sail or power - she could turn on a dime, the naval architects drew a hydrodynamic rudder hung from a carbon fiber post (pound for pound, carbon fiber is three and a half times stronger than aluminum and is not subject to corrosion or electrolysis); to drive this performance platform, the designers increased the foretriangle of Freedom's proven, freestanding sloop rig. It couldn't be simpler or more safe: no shrouds or backstay to fuss with, no turnbuckles to maintain, just a simple spar proven much safer than conventional stayed masts - and guaranteed to the buyer for life. Other features on the Freedom 35 include improved access to the crankcase, color coded wiring, a swim platform on the stern, and a bearing system that puts a live, organic feel in the hands of the helmsman. The helm has sportscar-like responsiveness and a deep, T-shaped cockpit allows for an oversized Edson wheel. The wheel brake, safety guard, compass, and engine controls are all mounted on the pedestal - and for easy shorthanded maneuvering, the engine gauges, key, starter button, and kill switch are close by to starboard on a recessed panel. A raised coaming provides protection from the elements and a comfy backrest when at anchor. Hand-fit wood panels and trim encompasses an open, well-ventilated (five hatch) main saloon. The companionway leads forward with 6-foot, 2-inch headroom along a bright teak and holly sole. To port, an L-shaped settee and drop-down table accommodates a crowd for dinner or a night of tale telling. Outboard, ample stowage has been created and tastefully concealed behind louvered doors. To starboard, there is a single settee and a generous shelf.

83 (+2)
$ 70 000
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Freedom 35 centerboard for sale

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    Added: 10:49 11.09.2021
    Updated: 09:15 08.11.2021


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