Sea ray 390 express cruiser

Sea ray 390 express cruiser

Sea ray 390 express cruiser for sale

11,89 m
4,24 m
0,71 m
439,00 tonne
300 liters
Fresh water
69 liters
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Estimate price

$ 20 000
Very cheap
Valuation based on average market value
$ 107 098$ 198 897
$ 2 511
  • $ 1 582 7.91%
  • $ 521 2.61%
  • $ 408 2.04%
  • $ 342 1.71%
  • $ 192 0.96%
  • $ 44 0.22%
  • $ 63 0.32%
$ 21 051
  • $ 4 150
  • $ 405
  • $ 2 075
  • $ 2 075
  • $ 1 349
  • $ 1 349
  • $ 1 349
  • $ 8 300

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
15.09.2022$ 20 000$ 20 000-
17.12.2021$ 120 000$ 120 000+$ 100 000
05.12.2021$ 124 000$ 124 000+$ 4 000

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


Galley Equipment


Toaster Oven

2 Burner built in stove with cover.

7 gal hotwater heater

Spice rack shelved


FWD stateroom has 1 full size bed and storage. 1 TV

AFT stateroom has 2 twin beds with it's own AC unit and wash sink.

The seti couch pushes down and makes an extra bed

Bathroom has walkin shower

Vacu-Flush toilet

Shower drain sump pump

Mechanical Equipment

2 Mercruiser 496 engines

(Stbd engine needs rebuilt or replaced)

Bravo III dual stainless prop drives.

Bow Thruster

Main A/C and heat pump 16000 BTU

Aft stateroom AC/heat pump 11000 BTU

Navigation Systems



VHF radio


Hand held GpS

Deck and Hull Equipment

Anchor Windlass

Remote control spotlight

Salt water wash system

Aft shower station

Engine room auto/manual bilge pump

Aft cabin bilge pump

Center cabin bilge pump

Center cabin local bilge alarm

Engineroom bilge alarm


Additional Equipment

3000 Watt inverter

1000 watt inverter

500 Watt solar charger and control unit for bowthruster battery

Two 30 amp battery chargers

12 vdc Engine room Bilge pump

120 vac bilge pump

Engine room Bilge alarm

Center bilge pump 

Center bilge local alarm

Aft stateroom bilge pump

Shower drain sump pump

Remote control stereo system


Very comfortable boat. Great for live aboard or long trips

The hull is cleaned monthly by diver and hauled every 4 months for inspection and servicing. Outdrives are cleaned and painted every haul out.

Port Transom assembly is new July 2021.  Stbd engine had all bellows replaced June 2021 as well.

October 2021 exhaust manifolds new and replaced on both engines. Heat exchangers cleaned out.  Both drives were cleaned and painted new zinc's.

The stbd engine needs rebuild or replaced. The engine is seized up and got water in the cylinders. Possibly cracked head or other.

Generator needs rebuilt or replaced. 

Price is set low and reasonable as of the engine work that needs to be done.  Price is not negotiable. 

$ 20 000
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Sea ray 390 express cruiser for sale

Broker/dealer information

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    Added: 12:36 26.10.2021
    Updated: 14:50 18.09.2022


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