Intrepid 26 center console

Intrepid 26 center console

Intrepid 26 center console for sale

7,92 m
2,62 m
0,70 m
Cruising speed
44,00 kn
Max speed
65,00 kn
180 liters
Fresh water
10 liters
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Estimate price

$ 77 000
High price
Valuation based on average market value
$ 45 716$ 84 901
$ 928
  • $ 377 0.49%
  • $ 319 0.41%
  • $ 232 0.3%
  • $ 261 0.34%
  • $ 174 0.23%
  • $ 174 0.23%
  • $ 174 0.23%
$ 9 021
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 111
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 435
  • $ 435
  • $ 435
  • $ 3 260

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
23.10.2022$ 77 000$ 77 000-
22.08.2022$ 79 000$ 79 000+$ 2 000
11.07.2022$ 95 000$ 95 000+$ 16 000

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


Navigation Systems

Garmin GPS

Deck and Hull Equipment

Popup clests, trim tsbs, freshwater wash down, livewell, dive ladder, gps, fusion stereo, LED lighting

We are the original owners of this 1999 26' Intrepid. We repowered it in 2013 with twin Yamaha F200 motors. Motors have just over 600 hours. This boat was setup to be super efficient for longer runs to the keys and the Bahamas. The current prop setup gets a 27 knot cruise at 4100 rpm and 2.2 mpg. 31 knots at 4600 rpm. 36 knots at 5100 rpm. But we normally cruise at 26 knots and keep engine rpms low. 

There are not many 26 foot center consoles that handle offshore conditions as well as this boat. Which makes it an ideal island boat with shallow draft, efficient cruise, great fishablity and diveability, plenty of shade, surfboard racks, rod holders, livewell, and it can be towed or hauled out of the water easily. 

We just dont use it enough anymore and we have decided to part ways with her. I am happy to answer any questions via email and can setup showings once it comes back from the service center. We have it getting 100 hours service on the motors, detailed, and getting it prepped for its new home. 

This boat is not on a trailer, it currently has bottom paint

89 (+1)
$ 77 000
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Intrepid 26 center console for sale

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    Added: 05:00 11.07.2022
    Updated: 13:32 15.12.2022


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