World cat 270 sd

World cat 270 sd

World cat 270 sd for sale

8,27 m
2,62 m
0,30 m
200 liters
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Estimate price

$ 64 000
Very cheap
Valuation based on average market value
$ 58 379$ 108 418
$ 8 034
  • $ 5 062 7.91%
  • $ 1 667 2.61%
  • $ 1 305 2.04%
  • $ 1 094 1.71%
  • $ 614 0.96%
  • $ 142 0.22%
  • $ 203 0.32%
$ 9 054
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 143
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 435
  • $ 435
  • $ 435
  • $ 3 260

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
18.10.2022$ 64 000$ 64 000-
12.10.2022$ 64 500$ 64 500+$ 500
06.10.2022$ 65 000$ 65 000+$ 500
04.10.2022$ 68 500$ 68 500+$ 3 500
29.09.2022$ 69 000$ 69 000+$ 500
20.09.2022$ 70 000$ 70 000+$ 1 000
16.09.2022$ 75 000$ 75 000+$ 5 000
08.09.2022$ 80 000$ 80 000+$ 5 000
20.08.2022$ 85 000$ 85 000+$ 5 000

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


Deck and Hull Equipment

Rod holders

Navigation Systems

Garmin GPSmap 7612 XSV

Additional Equipment

Trolling motor with GPS lock (Brand New)


Removeable table with cushion

Removeable bench seats 

Removeable cushions for all seating areas

Custom made boat cover for storing


This boat is fully ready to go with only 700 hours on the engines!! This boat comes with everything fully equiped and ready to take on the water. The 270SD provides the ultimate combination of luxurious amenities and tournament fishing features for total fun and flexability on the water... the SUV of the boating world. The patented Vectorflo hull design will ride the roughest waves and keep you safe and dry. Your crew will appreciate the convenience of the walkthrough transom, spacious changing area with enclosed head, sun lounge seats, freshwater shower and Clarion CD player with 6-disc changer. The cleverly designed cockpit provides a unique user-friendly fishing station with 250-quart insulated fish box, (2) 25-gallon lighted livewells with a 700-gph pumps and flow regulators.

75 (+1)
$ 64 000
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World cat 270 sd for sale

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    Added: 15:40 20.08.2022
    Updated: 21:42 02.11.2022


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