Carolina skiff 21 ultra

Carolina skiff 21 ultra

Carolina skiff 21 ultra for sale

6,40 m
1,87 m
236 liters
Single body
Sea class
C. Coastal ships
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Estimate price

$ 22 500
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 9 327$ 17 322
$ 271
  • $ 110 0.49%
  • $ 93 0.41%
  • $ 68 0.3%
  • $ 76 0.34%
  • $ 51 0.23%
  • $ 51 0.23%
  • $ 51 0.23%
$ 4 835
  • $ 1 037
  • $ 62
  • $ 2 075
  • $ 0
  • $ 207
  • $ 207
  • $ 207
  • $ 1 037

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
12.10.2022$ 22 500$ 22 500-
04.09.2022$ 25 000$ 25 000+$ 2 500

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


Mechanical Equipment

Power to the propellor is pretty basic – four batteries, an electric motor, two pulleys and a v-belt. Keep the batteries charged, keep the pulleys aligned, and keep tension on the v-belt and you are good to go. The 48VDC motor is original to the boat. I had the motor serviced at an electric motor repair shop in 2019. The Duffy Electric motor controller is installed up under the steering pedestal; it was also serviced in 2019. They both work as they should. The prop shaft was pulled from the boat, and I had a machine shop clean up the various bearing points. The cutlass bearing and thrust bearing were replaced in 2019. The stuffing box is fine. The prop is in great shape.
The deep-cycle batteries and battery charger are all new; purchased June 2022. The battery charger it is a Lester Electrical, Summit II Series, 48 Volt DC charger. The four (4) batteries are Trojan T-1275, 12VDC, 150 Amp Hour, flooded, deep-cycle batteries. The batteries have restraining straps added to prevent them moving around while travelling over the road.
There is shore power setup on the boat. The shore power cable is dirty but it works fine. Purely cosmetic. The batteries are under the port and starboard seating areas and easy to get to for routine maintenance and inspection. The battery charger is secured under the aft seat. There is a 120v AC circuit breaker installed. This allows you to isolate the boat from the shore power without unplugging. The shore power cord has a regular 15amp plug on one end, and the other is a round marine type plug that secures in an outlet in the boat’s cockpit. There are two 12V electric bilge pumps, they are new. There are new ventilation louvers throughout the boat.
Steering Pedestal
The steering pedestal contains all your controls. The dashboard has switches for the navigation lights (they work), overhead and cockpit area lighting (they all work). Manual override switch for the automatic bilge pumps (it works). There is a new 12vdc horn installed up in the bow area. For some reason it doesn’t work. The switch on pedestal works fine, there is 12v at the wires that connect to the horn, the horn tests perfectly being wired directly to a battery, but when you hit the horn button - nothing. I leave it to someone smarter than me to figure it out. A handheld horn will suffice until fixed.
The throttle lever is mounted on the starboard side of the steering pedestal. Simply push lever to go forward, pull back to go backwards. Speed dependent in how far you push or pull. No worries, at full throttle you aren’t going but about 5-6 knots.
There is a battery monitoring E-Meter installed. The owner’s manual is included and the next owner can figure out how to program it and use it properly. I never have used it, or even tried to figure it out. On a small mountain lake, it’s not like losing power is going to be life threatening. There is also a battery “state of charge” meter on the dashboard. It is not compatible with the new battery charger. So, it does not function. It worked fine with the original charger that was on the boat. You can tell when the batteries need recharging – your top speed slowly begins to drop. Easy to tell.
There was a Radio/CD player installed on the boat. There were four (4) speakers installed. I removed them all. They were outdated and we never used it. I made up covering boards for the openings. I did leave the speaker wires; they are accessible if needed in the future. A blue tooth speaker and I-Phone. Will work great.

Deck and Hull Equipment

Exterior, Surrey Top and Storage
The hull has been buffed and polished. She cleaned up well and she still has good life left in her gel coat. The transom has a name board and hailing port board that you can personally customize. The bottom is in good shape. If you are going to put her into salt water, she will need a coat of anti-fouling paint. In fresh water, I think she is OK as is. The foredeck and aft deck is where the sun took its toll on the gelcoat. I had to paint the decks and the gunwales. I am not the worlds best painter. From 3 feet plus, it looks great. From 6-12” you can see my limitations. It is clean, it is white, it is very shiny, it is ready to go boating. Down the road a few years, you could consider getting it professionally re-sprayed.
There are bow and stern navigation lights – they were replaced in 2019 and they work. There is a flag holder in the stern and a burgee holder up on the bow. There are cleats both forward and aft. The stainless-steel canopy framework is in great condition. There are wires for the stern light and a cockpit light imbedded in the frame tubes.
The surrey top is brand new. I had it made by Need a Boat Cover (receipt included). The white gel coat in the cockpit and seating area is in great condition. There is wall to wall carpeting in the sitting and cockpit area. The cushions have one or two seasons left. They really need a refresh and updated style. They look dated. I discarded the back rests because they were basically useless. Perhaps some pillows will help until new cushions can be made. There are storage areas in the bow, under the side and rear seats. There are also two lockable cabinets. All storage areas have been freshly painted in a nice gloss white bilge paint (2 coats).

Additional Equipment

Boat Trailer
The trailer is a 1998 dual axle Pacific trailer. It is rated for 5,000 lbs. GVWR. A manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin for a Vehicle is included in the sale. The trailer will be sold via a Bill of Sale. Georgia does not issue Titles for trailers of this type. (I think it goes by weight of the trailer, I have a horse trailer that is titled, the boat trailer – no title).
All four tires were replaced in 2017. The date codes are 2517 (tires were made the 25th week of 2017). There are less than 40 miles on the tires. The trailer was completely rewired, new electric brake assemblies, and all new lights (LED) were installed in 2020 (receipt included). The trailer bunks were replaced in 2021. It has a round 7 pin electrical connector. The trailer requires a 2” ball.

Seller’s Commentary

Price reduced Oct 12, 2022!!

NOTE:  Please be sure to open the various tabs on the listing page - more details about the boat there!!


Price Reduced - Offers Welcome!  I am pleased to offer our 21' Duffy Electric Boat and Trailer for sale. She has been a family boat living her life in the North Carolina and Georgia mountains. I am the second owner of this boat. The first owner was a dealer for Duffy Electric Boats. She is a 1999 21’ Duffy Classic. She has a beautiful dark green hull, and a tan (toast) surrey top. A very classic look. I have owned her since December 2009. She has been in mountain lakes her entire life. The boat has never been in salt water. Duffys are remarkably stout boats. I believe the displacement is somewhere around 3,600 pounds. Her beam is 7 feet 3 inches. Draft is about 2ft 6in. Top speed, maybe 5-6 knots. Cruising speed 3-4 knots. There are 3 lifting eyes. She is not a lightly built boat. She is rugged. She has beautiful lines; her shearline is one of the most beautiful you will see.
I will describe the boat and what I have done with her in preparation for the sale. She is a 23-year-old boat. She has been enjoyed, but never abused. A stem to stern going over and refresh has been completed. She is ready to hit the water and take you cruising now. You will be pleased with what has been done.

Thank You for considering our boat. As stated at the beginning – the boat is 23 years old. She is good for at least another 75 years. Yes, she will need some updating in the future. We have enjoyed her for the last 13 years. However, our community marina has added 10 brand new electric pontoon boats to the rental fleet, and it makes much more sense for us to rent rather than own. Finally, I am 71 years old and crawling around boats isn’t as easy as it used to be.
She has been nicely refreshed and updated. She is ready to go in the water and be enjoyed. Duffy builds a very good boat. I have attempted to highlight what I know about the boat, and what I think will need attention in the future. She isn’t cosmetically perfect – but she is very good. She is solid. She is pretty. You will enjoy her. Your family and friends will enjoy her.
An optional item to consider is whether you want to add the side curtain enclosures. We had them, but I removed them while refreshing the boat. These can be bought from either Duffy or from Need a Boat Cover. They are $4,000 plus. We had the boat at a marina, on a lake, out in the open. The sun in Georgia is brutal on the enclosure panels. Despite what the makers of the panels say, they were a bitch to clean and/or polish. Maybe the new ones are made with better materials. Another route would be just buy a canvas full boat cover. From Duffy, Need a Boat Cover or locally to you.


Asking Price
I am asking $22,500 (New lower price as of Oct 12,2022) FOR BOTH THE BOAT AND TRAILER! 

  • Sold together and as described above.

The most comparable new Duffy model is the Bay Island 22. A gorgeous boat. Similarly equipped, it lists for over $63,000; a Pacific Trailer is about $6,000. The lead time for a new trailer is perhaps 6 months; the lead time on a new Duffy is close to a year (as per Duffy). I would hazard to say, that it will be $75,000 and a year’s wait before you could take possession and be on the water. For 1/3 the cost of buying new, you can enjoy getting out on the water now!  Thank You again for considering our boat. She has been enjoyed by two families so far, and she is ready to be enjoyed by her third!


$ 22 500
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Carolina skiff 21 ultra for sale

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    Added: 21:19 04.09.2022
    Updated: 13:17 15.12.2022


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