Rybovich rybo runner

Rybovich rybo runner

Rybovich rybo runner for sale

9,14 m
3,08 m
Cruising speed
57,00 kn
Max speed
83,00 kn
200 liters
Fresh water
20 liters
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Estimate price

$ 138 500
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 67 065$ 124 550
$ 1 255
  • $ 327 0.24%
  • $ 436 0.32%
  • $ 491 0.35%
  • $ 601 0.43%
  • $ 1 262 0.91%
  • $ 2 210 1.6%
  • $ 2 098 1.51%
$ 12 245
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 509
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 652
  • $ 652
  • $ 652
  • $ 4 347


Additional Equipment

Magma 31" dual post stern mounted (removable) bait/fillet table. Stored in deck ladder/cutting table compartment.

Armstrong removable ladder

Penn Fathometer bases P&S

Deep Drop outlet (Krystal female w/male plug)

Rybovich tackle drawer module (not installed)

All manuals for equipment as installed

A set of new cushions are provided for the forward deck area (not shown in pictures)

A removable rocket launcher is provided for the forward section of the boat. The pedestal receiving stantion can be seen in the photos of the forward portion of the boat


Navigation Systems

Primary - SIMRAD Evo3 (12") with SIMRAD 4G (36 nm) radome.

AIRMAR B260 bronze thru hull dual frequency (600W/1K) flush mount transducer.

OPTIMUS 360 full system including JOYSTICK, EPS, complete software suite with SEAWAYS (AP), SEASTATION with CANTRAK console mounted controller for headind hold, position hold, and position & heading hold.

The SIMRAD, OPTIMUS, & SUZUKI digital controls are integrated via the ship's NMEA2000 network.

Dual radios for communication including B&G QUAD unit w/remote speaker at the console elctronics box with ICOM3000 series located at the second station. Each radio has its own antenna.

Secondary -  a B&G QUAD system is included with the boat and the quad controller is mounted in the electronics box. The transducer for this unit was damaged in the 2018 repower and was not replaced. Cabling and power are located behind the head unit in the electronics box


Mechanical Equipment

In preparation for sale mechanical equipment has been upgraded as required.

Forward bilge pump - In cabin. Rule 900 series w/built in float switch (2022). Custom switch panel in console.

Freshwater wash down pump - Shurflo Blaster II (located in the cabin area) 3.5 gph (2022)

Saltwater wash down pump - Shurflo Blaster II (located in ladder/cutting board storage area (2018)

Rear Bilge - (2) Rule 2000 HD w/Rule Matic auto switches. The pumps are offset mounted (2021).

Bracket bilge - Rule 1500 w/Rule Matic auto float switch (2021).

Livewell no 1 - Pentair BaitSentry 800 series (2022)

Livewell no 2 - Rule 800 series cartridge type (2022)

Galley Equipment

As part of the preparation for sale boats lighting fixtures have been upgraded to LED.

navigation - port/starboard/anchor - LED

forward cockpit - LED tube type white or red w/console switch (2021)

above console/forward console - LED tube type white or red w/console switch (2021)

cabin - LED tube type w/8 chord for mobility in cabin w/console switch (2021)

cockpit aft - LED courtesy flush mt w/console switch (2021)

cocpit aft - LED tube type white or blue w/console switch (2021)

Tower mounted spreader light(s) - (2) LED type w/console switch

Deck and Hull Equipment

Skipjack is a fully optioned hull as she came from Rybovich. These include the following;1) factory bow pulpit; 2) fully welded aluminum bow rail; 3) deck mounted anchor chocks; 4) Custom forward storage lockers (redone new in 2018); 5) On deck P&S storage compartments; 6) Full Rybovich tower (gusseted and cross braced in 2007); 7) Rybovich 18' single spreader outriggers with quick deployment mechanism(s); 8) Connell Engineering fiberglass bracket utilized in Skipjack's first repower in 2002; 9) Optional custom tackle module. Originally part of the rocket launcher, we replaced it with a built in custom above deck live well (44 gal) in 2002 giving the boat dual live wells.


Complete boat covers including forward tonneau, forward roll up cover, P&S roll up covers, and aft (cockpit cover). All material is Stamoid.

The aft cover doubles as a Haitan Tarp with SS tubes in storage bag (stored in forward lockerdeployed when anchored.

Boat comes with electric porta potty (never been used by owner).

Cabin is large with 6'3" of headroom

The base top was replaced in 2021 (Stamoid)

The buggy top was replaced in 2018 (Stamoid)

Both tops are laceless type.

Skipjack is hull no 6 of a total of 88 Rybovich built & titled Rybo Runners. We have owned the boat since 1996, and have enjoyed her for the past 26 years while  endeavoring to keep her current and in pristine condition.

Her latest refurbishment occurred in 2018 when we repowered her and updated her electronic and mechanical systems.

The 2018 Suzuki DF300AP engines have 227 hours each, with the 200 hour service performed in March of this year at First Performance Marine. They are covered under the Suzuki 6 year protection plan and are into the Suzuki extended protection plan through mid 2024. We will aid in the transfer of the Suzuki extended protection plan to the buyer. We will also continue to run the boat until she is sold.

Performance for Skipjack is dependant on load and seastate. but she will cruise between 25 and 35 mph comfortably between 1.00 and 1.4 mpg. In flat conditions that speed can be upped and when light consumption goes down. In favorable conditions the boat has attained a maximum top speed of 55.4 mph. Props are SS 4 blade Luxor 15.3 x 22P.

All work has been performed in a workmanlike and professional manner utilizing quality materials and methods. The buyer is assured a structurally sound and operating boat by virtue of the maintenance and upgrades performed on her.

Skipjack's gelcoat is original, was wet sanded in 2015, and is maintained in like new condition with Rejex polymer sealant applied as required. The hull color throughout is equivalent to AWLGRIP moondust. The interior is in the same high luster condition. Teak accents for Skipjack have been finished with Interlux 2 part polyrurethane Perfection, and religous use of the covers have maintained both interior and accents looking as hey came from the factory.

Though the boat is lift kept, we bottom paint her so as to be able to leave in the water for extended periods of time when the boat is in use. Interlux Micron66 is used, and she has a fresh coat applied in June in preparation for sale.

We welcome serious buyers and hope the new owner(s) enjoy her as much as we have. For any further questions or comments please reach out to us either via phone or email at ryborunnerno6@gmail.com

68 (+1)
$ 138 500
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Rybovich rybo runner for sale

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    Added: 06:51 26.09.2022
    Updated: 13:09 15.12.2022


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