Glacier bay isle runner blue hull 2670

Glacier bay isle runner blue hull 2670

Glacier bay isle runner blue hull 2670 for sale

7,92 m
2,62 m
0,46 m
180 liters
Fresh water
30 liters
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Estimate price

$ 53 000
Good price
Valuation based on average market value
$ 40 885$ 75 929
$ 639
  • $ 260 0.49%
  • $ 220 0.41%
  • $ 160 0.3%
  • $ 180 0.34%
  • $ 120 0.23%
  • $ 120 0.23%
  • $ 120 0.23%
$ 9 021
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 111
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 435
  • $ 435
  • $ 435
  • $ 3 260

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
01.04.2023$ 53 000$ 53 000-
06.02.2023$ 60 000$ 60 000+$ 7 000

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


Galley Equipment


Additional Equipment

2016 Magic Loader Aluminum triple axle Trailer.

Custom Dive Platform and Dive/Swim Ladder.

Cockpit lights,Navigation and Anchor lights., 

Mechanical Equipment

2015 Twin Mercury 150 HP XL 4 stroke outboards.

2021 Windlass System.


Navigation Systems

Helm and Electronics
*  Garmin 840xs GPSmap Depth and ChartVHF
*  Garmin EchoMAP 70dv with Chirp
*   VHF
*   Raymarine Auto Pilot
*   Furion Stereo
*   Windlass Controls
*  Garmin 24 Mile HD Radar
*  Dual Transducers
*   Livewell
*   Wipers
*  Cockpit lights,Navigation and Anchor lights
*  Custom Dive Platform and Dive/Swim Ladder
*  2016 Magic Loader Aluminum triple axle Trailer.
*  Factory Hard Top
*  Aluminum, twin 90 Gallon Fuel Tanks installed. (2019)
*  Custom Wrap.
*   13,000 BTU Marine AC
*   Windshield with 360 Degree Isinglass

Deck and Hull Equipment

Custom Marine Flooring, Fresh Water Tank with Washdown. Salt water washdown. Live Well, Fish Tanks/Storage, Dive Tank holders, Rocket Laucher, Rod Holders, Windshield with 360 Degree Isinglass, Marine Windlass, Taco outriggers, Penn Fathom-Master Down Rigger, Hydraulic Sterring, Tilt steering wheel, Custom Dive Platform and Dive/Swim Ladder. Factory Hard Top.

New Aluminum, twin 90 Gallon Fuel Tanks installed. (2019)

Bottom Paint, Custom Wrap.


Queen Birth,  Marine head, Marine A/C. Storage, lights, Wall Electrical Plug. 


Priced under market value. First come first serve.

The Glacier Bay 2670 Island Runner was designed with comfort, convenience, and protection from the elements. The flush deck design allows for a wide walk-around (14-inches on the starboard side) with easy access to the foredeck for fishing and anchoring. It also provides spacious and usable cuddy cabin. The design also provides almost a foot-and-a-half more helm station width than comparable boats. The helm has a tempered safety glass windshield, custom molded dash assembly with ample room for electronics. On the starboard side there's a custom seat assembly with built-in 32-gallon livewell and oversized access lid, cutting board, and storage access. On the port side is another custom seat module with built-in recess for a 54-quart cooler, included as a standard feature. The aft cockpit is appointed with thick combing pads, sink with sprayer, two large fish wells and tackle box. The aft deck is crowned for drainage and designed with wrap around gutters. Both custom seat modules are designed and built with molded-in 'toe kick recesses' and foot rests. The 2670 also comes with two 6-inch cockpit speakers. Access to the side decks is easy - up two steps. Below deck, the cuddy has a queen-size berth, electric marine head with holding tank, plush interior with leather accents, Corian counter surfaces, vanity sink and storage compartments.

Recently, (March 2023) New Tilt Trim assembly, New Cowling latch, 3 new batteries, oil change, lower unit lube changed, new water pumps, new fuel pump starboard engine, new hydraulic steering piston.

$ 53 000
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Glacier bay isle runner blue hull 2670 for sale

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    Added: 05:52 06.02.2023
    Updated: 03:44 03.05.2023


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