Hewescraft 210 sea runner et

Hewescraft 210 sea runner et

Hewescraft 210 sea runner et for sale

6,40 m
2,44 m
90 liters
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Estimate price

$ 98 000
High price
Valuation based on average market value
$ 61 110$ 113 490
$ 0
  • $ 0 0%
  • $ 0 0%
  • $ 0 0%
  • $ 19 113 19.5%
  • $ 8 431 8.6%
  • $ 5 118 5.22%
  • $ 2 874 2.93%
$ 5 154
  • $ 1 040
  • $ 368
  • $ 2 081
  • $ 0
  • $ 208
  • $ 208
  • $ 208
  • $ 1 040



Room for 6 people comfortably, 2 Medium Duty Suspension Seats, 2- 42" Sleeper Seats with Cut Out For Porta Potti, Livewell in ET Fish Box, Ski Pylon W Utility Tray, Swim Ladder

Additional Equipment

Additional 2 Bank Charger for Engine Batteries and Selector Switch,  Nema Network to Garming Fish Finders, Panther Pro Troll 3 Wireless Electric Throttle Control, Sea Star Hydraulic Steering, Additional Cover by Covercraft, custom fit for the Hewescraft 210 Sea Runner with engine cover, 2023 EZ Loader Trailer with Tandem Disc Brakes, Chine Guides, SW Tongue, with Spare, 

This is a Brand New Boat for now, I just haven't had time to get it out on the water, this boat was built for two reasons, one was for the maximum fishing experience and the other was to run around the lake and have a good time seeing the sites, pulling a tube or skiers,  This boat works well in either world and will give someone a lifetime of enjoyment.

Deck and Hull Equipment

Lee Lock Bow Roller with 26# Matching Anchor/Minnkota Trolling Motor, 2 Stern Rails with Downrigger Brackets, 2 Scotty 1106 Downriggers

Navigation Systems

Fusion Stereo with 2 speakers, Garmin 126 SV with GPS and Garmin 93 SV, includes GT-56 transducer, Nema Network to Garmin Fish Finders

Mechanical Equipment

Diamond Plate Bow Guard, Minn Kota 36 Volt 112# Thrust, 60" Shaft with 1 I Pilot Remote, no foot pedal, 1 Lee Lock Quick Change Base Plate, 1 Lee Lock Trolling Motor Plate Parking Port Side, 3 Group 27 Interstate Deep Cycle Batteries Mounted in boxes in Bow Storage Area, 1 Pro Mariner 3 Bank 20amp Charger, 1 Minnkota 60amp Circuit Breaker 1 Ram Mount to Secure Motor When Stowed, Stainless Steel Prop -in-lieu of Aluminum Prop

Already a household name, our tough and agile Sea Runner is upping the ante for mid-sized boats everywhere. We’ve widened the hull to help get you out of the water faster, improved planning, and decrease side-to-side tipping. Better yet, we’ve updated the interior to give you more elbow room for your friends, more storage area for your gear, and more deck space for your catch. But don’t take our word for it. Put this model on the water and see for yourself why it’s a boat to brag about for years.

When it comes to your safety, we don’t settle for second-rate and we don’t fall for hype. Instead, we test our features and hull designs, learn from our competitors, and listen to your feedback. The redesigned Sea Runner is proof. This boat cuts a sharper V with its variable deadrise hull, because we know that makes for a smoother ride in ocean waters. This boat’s new chine has been widened and expertly angled for improved cornering and hole-shot, but we avoided the temptation to add a ride-killing reverse-curve hull. Our driving station is more ergonomic, our access panels are larger, our bilge pump easier to reach, and our bow diamond-plated. In other words, this boat may be updated, but it’s still a Hewescraft through and through.

62 (+1)
$ 98 000
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Hewescraft 210 sea runner et for sale

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    Added: 18:48 13.05.2023
    Updated: 18:08 16.05.2023


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