Yachting in Italy: sights of Pantelleria island
Denis Korablev
  • 30.09.2021
  • 629

Yachting in Italy: sights of Pantelleria island

Pantelleria is a small volcanic island in the Sicilian Strait of the Mediterranean Sea, the most remote and one of the least visited in Italy. Signs of volcanic activity are visible on the island - hot mineral springs on land and fumaroles at the bottom of the sea.

Archaeological excavations have shown that Pantelleria was inhabited 35 thousand years ago, the original population of the island was made up of Iberian tribes. Subsequently, the island was taken under the control of the Carthaginians - from this period cisterns for collecting water and tombs reached us. During the rule of the Roman Empire, the island served as a place of exile for officials and members of the imperial family. In 700 A.D. Pantelleria was conquered by the Arabs, later it was conquered by the Sicilians, the Aragonese, and in the middle of 16 the island was plundered by the Ottomans.

"Pantelleria" is translated as "daughter of the wind" - this name was given to the island because of the strong winds blowing from the African coast. This island is not typical for Italy and differs in everything, including landscapes, architecture, history and lifestyle of the local population. As experienced travelers 2yachts note, the main advantage of Pantelleria is its natural features with a rugged coastline and exceptional wealth of underwater life. The clear sea, rocky coastline, citrus orchards, green vineyards and amazing volcanic landscapes await the traveler on Pantelleria.

What to see

Most of Pantelleria's historic buildings were destroyed during World War II, but the Renaissance Barbican Castle and several stone churches have survived.

One of the central attractions of the island is the Lake "Mirror of Venus" (Specchio di Venere), which is located in a volcanic caldera. Thanks to the curative mud, this place can be called an open-air spa resort. Here you can sunbathe and swim in mineral-rich water. The expositions of the Museum of Volcanology, located at the Punta Spadillo lighthouse in the northeast of the island, will tell the traveler about the geology and history of Pantelleria.

Numerous monuments of ancient history are of particular value, the most unique among which are a village of the Middle Bronze Age on the western coast, necropolises and stone walls of the ancient acropolis 2 km south of the modern capital of the island. To get acquainted with the ruins of ancient fortified settlements, we advise you to go to the west and north-west coast of the island. Here, travelers are shown the ruins of buildings in which numerous artifacts were found - today they can be seen in the Syracuse Museum.

There are about a hundred of Ceci's burial structures on the island. The necropolis near the village of Sesi (the main archaeological site of the island) is one of the largest excavated in the Mediterranean. The "Arch of the Elephant" is very popular among tourists - a rock resembling a huge elephant drinking sea water. It is usually crowded and there is a diving center nearby.

The coast of Costa Ghirlanda in the eastern part of the island has attractive antique tombs and tombs. And from the village of Rahali you can walk to the Monte Gibele volcano. Of interest are the Le Favare hot springs - fumaroles, of which there are over 50 on the island. The largest fumarole on the island is Favara Grande.

Pantelleria is attractive for divers, yachtsmen and fishermen for its natural resources - since the beach infrastructure on the island is not developed, there is no influx of tourists here during the season. Hotels on the island are inexpensive, and most of them are located in the western part of Pantelleria, not far from the town of the same name and the airport. If you want more privacy, head to the east coast, where you can find some cheap hotels too.

The most accessible beaches are in the north and west of the island, while the beaches in the south are inaccessible and wild. Convenient entry into the water - by the rocky beach in the Levante Bay, and the farthest from the island's capital is Martingana beach with a steep and rocky entrance to the water.


Local cuisine is simple and tasty, and it was influenced by the peoples who conquered the island at different periods of history. Typical dishes are fish couscous, "ravioli amari", Pesto seasoned Pantéco pasta, savory beef mergues sausages and herbal stews served with delicious local wine. Cannateddro Easter biscuits were brought here from the Middle East, and Mustazzola biscuits are of Arab origin. You should definitely try the sphinchi (honey-coated pancakes), as well as cassateddi (a type of juicer, usually with ricotta) and the sweet pastries of pasticchotti.

Thanks to the mild sunny climate, grapes are grown here for the production of various wines. The most popular is the sweet Passito wine. On the island, you can visit local vineyards and wine cellars, taste the sunny drink and take part in the annual wine festivals.


Your trip to Pantelleria will not be complete without purchasing a bottle of dessert wine Passito di Pantelleria and savory capers (the best in all of Italy).

The best shops and shopping centers located in the capital of the island - Pantelleria:

  • Le Delizie di Sicilia (shop with a large selection of souvenirs, spices, wines and other types of alcohol);
  • La Mimosa;
  • KONZA KIFFI (quality farm products - olives, grapes, citrus fruits, capers, pistachios, etc.);
  • Caseificio da Elena (fresh cheeses and other natural products);
  • Specialized food store La Tumma (fresh cheeses, etc.);
  • Cossura;
  • Bottega arre.

Outdoor activities

The island has all the conditions for an active pastime with health benefits. So, you can devote your time to observing the views of the picturesque nature by signing up for a boat excursion or renting a yacht for this. Or you can rent a bike or scooter to discover many wonderful places on the map of the island, get acquainted with natural and historical monuments, culture, customs and traditions of the local population.

The entire territory of the island is lined with tourist routes, and their total length exceeds 150 km. While hiking or cycling, you can visit the summit of Montagna Grande, a well-equipped natural park, from the observation deck of which you can even see the northern coast of Africa in clear weather. The secluded Bay of Five Teeth with turquoise water can only be reached by water (this is the most inaccessible beach on the island), as well as the Ondine Bath, inaccessible from land, is a kind of pool created by sea waves in volcanic rock.

Pantelleria is an excellent place for diving, as the water near its shores is very clean, and the water column near the steep cliffs is filled with numerous fish. One of the most popular diving spots is Kala Gadir in the east. In ancient times, there was a pier for the Phoenicians, the remains of which can be seen under water even now.


The climate on the island is mild Mediterranean, with relatively little rainfall in summer and a lot of rain in winter. The high season lasts from June to October; in May and November the average air temperature is 20-22 ° С. You can come here at any time, however, it should be borne in mind that during the winter months, with constant winds, it can be cold here, but in the summer, in the heat, you can count on a pleasant coolness.

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