Chaparral 310 Signature

Chaparral 310 Signature

Chaparral 310 Signature for sale

9,45 m
3,05 m
0,99 m
4,80 tonne
Cruising speed
26,00 kn
Max speed
39,00 kn
125 liters
Fresh water
40 liters
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Estimate price

$ 140 000
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 77 072$ 143 134
$ 34 274
  • $ 12 300 8.79%
  • $ 11 159 7.97%
  • $ 10 815 7.72%
  • $ 7 384 5.27%
  • $ 10 248 7.32%
  • $ 6 968 4.98%
  • $ 2 295 1.64%
$ 11 796
  • $ 2 075
  • $ 280
  • $ 2 075
  • $ 1 037
  • $ 726
  • $ 726
  • $ 726
  • $ 4 150

Trend in prices

UpdatedSeller pricePrice, $ Change price, $
07.05.2022$ 140 000$ 140 000-
06.04.2022$ 150 000$ 150 000+$ 10 000

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


Navigation Systems

Garmin Nav

Garmin radar

Galley Equipment

One stove eye

One microwave 



Storage cabinets


Additional Equipment

New speaker system with tubes with built in amps. Additional Amp for other new speakers.

Cockpit refrigerator 

Cockpit sink



Sleeps 4

Bathroom with shower

Air Conditioning and Heat

Deck and Hull Equipment


New Anchor

New LED spotlight

Underwater lighting



Mechanical Equipment

2 new engines


New water heater

New Outdrives 1 year old

Led lighting inside and out




Taking full advantage of our patented Wide Tech technology, the 310 takes cruiser design to a high level with more style, more storage space, more cabin headroom and more performance than ever thought possible. Everywhere you look-the helm, transom area, even the galley Chaparral's spark of innovation shines. Topside, the 310's standard fiberglass hard top provides ultimate all-weather protection and is reminiscent of cruisers 10 feet longer and twice as expensive. In the cockpit, you get a feeling of total security wrapped in unmatched luxury. Two cockpit seating options meet every need. Ultra refined, the 310 has a carefree single level cockpit, redesigned helm seating and the finest workmanship imaginable. Below decks, the 310 is a marvel in space efficiency, elegance and workmanship. The aft cabin has considerably more inches of headroom than previous offerings. A clever optional air mattress system in the salon eliminates old-fashioned filler cushions on a boat that introduces a space-saving power ease forward berth that retracts at the flip of a switch. Showcasing a super clean look, the cabin is built with a fiberglass innerliner that even includes a ceiling liner. An oversized LCD television is mounted on a swivel bracket for viewing in both the salon and forward berth. The lighter wood tones of our River Cherry cabinetry create an open and airy feeling. What really makes the 310 state-of-the-art is the phenomenal use of space. The filler cushion for the aft cabin is part of the backrest. Additionally, the side mount cabin table stows in its own space under the dinette seat.

178 (+2)
$ 140 000
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Chaparral 310 Signature for sale

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    Added: 20:57 06.04.2022
    Updated: 16:51 01.03.2023


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