
Mastercraft X24 for sale

7,37 m
2,62 m
0,76 m
2,77 tonne
85 liters
Boat deck
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Estimate price

$ 204 000
Very expensive
Valuation based on average market value
$ 92 497$ 171 780
$ 57 337
  • $ 0 0%
  • $ 39 786 19.5%
  • $ 17 551 8.6%
  • $ 10 654 5.22%
  • $ 5 984 2.93%
  • $ 6 534 3.2%
  • $ 9 141 4.48%
$ 6 842
  • $ 1 087
  • $ 430
  • $ 2 173
  • $ 0
  • $ 326
  • $ 326
  • $ 326
  • $ 2 173


Additional Equipment

Search the Mastercraft FB group and forums and you'll find some gripes with the Klipsch system which have been eliminated on this boat, all while retaining complete factory integration with the Dual Screens and factory speakers. The two main issues were volume level (factory underpowered) and volume rolloff curves of the master volume and subwoofer. You constantly had to manipulate zones to get levels to be comfortable switching between riding at wake/surf speeds and hanging out between riders.

This boat has Wetsounds sinister amps. An sdx4 and sdx6 and a JL Audio HD1200/1 amp on the 2 subwoofers. Volume is great now. The subwoofers come alive. A JL twk-88 was added which gives you a master volume knob and a sub ring knob on the same device with normal linear rolloff curves. This is mounted under the vertical screen on the right. You can actually turn the volume down to quiet levels and not have the bass still booming and don’t have to go into 5 different zones and bring the volume down between riders and back up when the ride session starts. Klipsch gear is actually awesome and sounds great with the proper power given to the speakers.
For those of you wondering where the DSP is, it was relocated and mounted to the underside of the glovebox. Its just a few inches from its stock location on the amp board. This freed up valuable space.


phone: 618-638-3656

***Price reduction***

*** seadeck gunnel kit added!!*** 

Excellent condition X24. Garage kept. Very clean and ready to go. This color combo constantly gets compliments. Seats and floor stay extremely cool with this color and the cool feel fabric.

All maintenance done on schedule and records available.
6.2 L engine
Extra prop - acme 3289
Upgraded stereo amps with OEM integration  (see additional information)
Upgraded custom ballast bags if desired (stock ones installed at the moment)

198 (+1)
$ 204 000
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Mastercraft X24 for sale

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    Added: 00:29 04.07.2022
    Updated: 06:41 06.09.2022


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