Features of yachting ethics
Denis Korablev
  • 02.11.2021
  • 1,766

Features of yachting ethics

Dreamily pronouncing the words "yacht" and "sea" you imagine an endless space; captures the feeling of freedom and the anticipation of the discovery of a new world, unforgettable impressions. Many have only to dream about it!

According to the experts 2yachts, it is always worth remembering that a yacht is not only a romance, but also a complex technical means (in inept hands poses an increased danger). And the elements can make their own adjustments even in a well-planned sea voyage. There are certain rules that must be strictly followed in order to create positive memories of the cruise.

HMP - what does it mean?

Good maritime practice has two permanent rules:

  • if the danger is theoretically probable, then you should act as if it is real;
  • danger is always closer than it seems at the moment.

The captain always adheres to these rules, since it is he who takes responsibility for the actions of the crew and the safety of passengers. The captain is always right, his word is law! The ship owner obeys the captain in the same way as everyone on board.

A small boat is a closed space where minor troubles can provoke a major conflict and ruin everyone's rest. There is such a thing as yachting ethics, which requires yachtsmen to observe elementary standards of moral conduct on and off the yacht. Ethics defines the responsibilities of people in relation to each other and to society. Yachting ethics requires equal and respectful treatment for both the sailing veteran and the newcomer.

Rules of conduct on board small craft:

  1. Hand over your valuables to the wardroom before going to sea.
  2. The commands of the captain are executed strictly, without hesitation and discussion.
  3. The captain has the right to write off any person ashore:
    • for failure to comply with an order;
    • for non-compliance with safety regulations;
    • for violation of generally accepted norms of behavior.
  4. The technical items related to yacht handling must always be in exactly the right place. For example, binoculars, compass, radio station, direction finder, etc.
  5. Alcohol and drugs are prohibited while sailing.
  6. To move around the yacht only in shoes with light soles, which provide traction to the deck, this is especially true if you are relaxing on chartered yacht as the use of beach shoes (heels or black soles) can damage the deck covering. Yachting shoes can be purchased in advance from specialized stores.
  7. Go back into the cabin only with your back forward!
  8. Don't stand in the aisle.
  9. Do not leave things unattended. Lucky if they just fall to the floor; it is possible that the wind will carry them out to sea.
  10. It is necessary to save water, as there is a limited amount of fresh water on board and it is not always possible to replenish the supply. For example, away from the shore, you can wash dishes with seawater.
  11. Assess and control supplies of water, food, and electricity.
  12. Before washing the deck, the captain's permission must be obtained and the hatches must be battened down.
  13. Strictly observe safety and caution when working in the galley, especially on sailing boats. This is where the danger of injury (cut, burn, fall, hit) is great.
  14. Do not obstruct the view of the yacht skipper, especially when approaching the berth. Do not distract the skipper with conversations, clearly follow the commands.
  15. Double check hatches and moorings before leaving the yacht.

Important! Making claims (even justified) to the captain or discussing disagreements with him on any issues is possible only on the shore when the ship is moored!

Yachting ethics also presuppose observance of etiquette


  1. Do not throw garbage overboard, both on the high seas and in the harbor.
  2. Do not distract the captain while the vessel is in motion and do not ask to "steer".
  3. Wear only clean clothes. You should have spare kits, taking into account possible weather changes.
  4. Swim only with the permission of the captain. Wait until the yacht stops running and the engines are stopped.
  5. Do not throw toilet paper into the toilet of the latrine, which will inevitably lead to a blockage. Such a trifle can deprive the whole team of comfort for a long time. The latrine is cleaned by the one who clogged it (well, if it is still possible). When moving, the latrines are closed by valves located under the washbasin. The duty officer must ensure that these valves are indeed closed.
  6. When overtaking other boats, the speed should be reduced so as not to create an unnecessary wave. Only regatta participants are allowed to violate this requirement, but they must also act in accordance with the rules for diverging yachts at sea.
  7. One person, on behalf of the captain, should conduct negotiations from the ship, if necessary. Collective "negotiations", expressing different opinions in several voices are inadmissible.
  8. Do not make noise at night when entering the parking lot, as most people are already resting.
  9. Do not look into open windows and hatches of nearby yachts.
  10. Treat local boat owners with respect and do not damage their property.
  11. Having received an invitation to visit a nearby yacht for a friendly visit, before stepping on someone else's deck, you must ask the captain for permission to board.

Important! Whistling, shouting, loud swearing while the vessel is moving or when mooring, as well as while staying in the marina is considered a gross violation of maritime etiquette.

Yachting ethics defines two main rules:

  • unquestioningly and quickly carry out the commands of the captain;
  • to help those in need.

Remember that no one is immune from unforeseen situations. Today you helped someone out, perhaps tomorrow you will not be left in trouble.

Important! If the death of people who asked for help is due to the fact that you ignored their request and did not come to the rescue, then you may be prosecuted (the captain - in the first place).

It is not difficult to follow all of the above rules, then every minute of active rest on the yacht will fill you with healthy energy, and there will be a desire to try something new. Respect yourself and others, don't waste precious time arguing and sorting things out. A sea cruise is a kaleidoscope of new landscapes and adventures, a lot of vivid positive emotions and unforgettable impressions! The sail is a symbol of freedom! Freedom within strictly defined rules!