How to make a frame tent for wintering with your own hands
Denis Korablev
  • 20.10.2021
  • 743

How to make a frame tent for wintering with your own hands

When preparing for winter, the main task is to protect the vessel from bad weather and precipitation. Not everyone has the opportunity to hide a yacht in a special room, so yachtsmen invent various ways to preserve their property. Many people prefer a frame awning, since it is easy to make it yourself. This option is also suitable for those who rent a yacht yacht for rent, since such a structure is both inexpensive and excellent for seasonal use. In winter, the awning protects the vessel from bad weather, and in the spring it is dismantled. Let's take a closer look at what to look for when making a frame awning.

What materials should I choose?

Most often, galvanized pipes are used, which are used for laying electrical networks. The construction is solid, easy to assemble. It can be disassembled quickly, does not require a lot of storage space. For the manufacture of the frame, you should choose high-quality pipes (without any mechanical damage).

An alternative and cheaper material is wood; installation of the awning will be easier. The construction turns out to be strong, compared to metal - lightweight, but short-lived. For winter awnings use a thick film or fabric with water-repellent properties.

Should you use construction programs?

Undoubtedly, this greatly facilitates the design work. Working with a computer-aided design CAD, you can not only make a drawing, but also see how the awning will look in its finished form. The program allows you to enter a file with a drawing of the yacht deck in order to make calculations based on the given dimensions. Using CAD, you can accurately determine the consumption of materials.

If you are planning to be on the boat in winter, then include in the project the location of the walkways along the sides so that you can move freely and not constantly bump into the frame.

Is the roof horizontal or sloped?

At the design stage, it should be borne in mind that snow exerts pressure on the horizontal roof surface. If the winter turns out to be snowy, then the structure may not withstand a large amount of precipitation.

The optimal angle of inclination of the roof is 30 degrees. He will not allow water or snow to linger on the awning. From such a roof snow rolls down without hindrance, and if a little remains, it is easy to brush it off yourself.

It makes no sense to make the corner sharper, as in this case the material consumption increases. Accordingly, the height of the structure increases, which increases the windage. Strong winds can rock the yacht and tear the protective film. It is difficult to pull the awning onto a high structure, since it is difficult to reach the very top.

What can compromise the tightness of the structure?

The mast can interfere with the creation of greenhouse conditions. Ideally, it is better to dismantle it for the winter period. But if this is not possible, then we design a frame that will not damage the mast and cables. An awning is attached to the frame, which is stretched "tightly". With this design, the cockpit is reliably protected from filling with water or snow.

Is it possible to use the awning more than once?

Of course, if you develop a folding structure. The frame awning is intended only for the winter period and will need to be dismantled in the spring. Design all bolted connections so that after dismantling the frame for the next season, it can be reassembled (it is advisable to label each part). The use of wing nuts speeds up assembly and disassembly processes. It is undesirable to store the dismantled structure in the open air. Prepare a shelter for the framed awning to wait for next winter.

As the specialists 2yachts advise, do not try to do everything yourself - it will take a lot of time. Invite assistants and the work will go much faster!