Safe lagging
Denis Korablev
  • 16.09.2021
  • 558

Safe lagging

Correct execution of maneuvers is the main condition under which you can protect your own or rented yacht from all kinds of collisions that threaten the integrity of the ship's hull. Mooring, as the most frequent maneuver, requires certain skills, with the use of the ability to correctly calculate the time, speed and distance to the mooring place, take into account the size and workload of the vessel, comparing all these data with the surrounding situation.

It is unreasonable to start braking directly in front of the berth - the force of inertia with which the yacht moves is comparable to the force of impact on the berth. For this reason, it is necessary to slow down in advance, trying to follow a course in which the plane of the vessel in relation to the berth line ranged from 10 ° to 35 °. At the same time, the bow of the yacht should indicate the desired mooring place. Approaching the berth, it is necessary to correct the direction so that the bow of the yacht goes to the side, and the approach to the berth continues astern.

If the yacht has an engine, it must be stopped before mooring, while the inertia will allow the boat to be steered, avoiding a collision.

Direct mooring is carried out in the case of a parallel arrangement of the yacht and the berth, with an exit to the distance of the mooring lines. The throwing ends are thrown away, the cables are picked up on the berth and secured. The bow rope is attached first, stopping the yacht's progress. The second is the longitudinal cable that presses the board to the berth. The stern cable, which prevents the vessel from moving backward, is fed almost immediately, after the first two. With this method of mooring, the vessel is tightly fixed at the place of temporary anchorage.

Mooring on current

In many ports where tidal currents exist, there are additional requirements for generally accepted mooring rules. In such ports, in case the yacht falls below the berth level, the mooring ropes are passed through special eyes. In this case, the supplied mooring line is taken onto the windlass drum. It is also customary to use a winch. With the help of a branch or a winch, the slack is removed, and the chain stopper is applied so that its location is in line with the tension cable.

Having installed the stopper, it is vented, and upon completion, the cable is removed from the mooring mechanisms. Similar actions are performed with all mooring ropes, which are fixed to the bollard by means of 5-6 turns around it.

How to protect the hull from damage?

To prevent the possibility of damage to the yacht's hull during mooring, it is necessary to use shock-absorbing fenders. Overboard fenders have ends that are recommended to be held in the hands while mooring. If you do not do this, rigid fixation of the fenders will lead to their breakage. Mooring should be done so that the stern part is at a minimum distance to the berth.

A jet of water from a working propeller can also cause the stern to move away from the berth, therefore, to avoid the possibility of collision of the bow and buildings on the shore, the jet from the working propeller should be monitored.

Mooring to another vessel

Lagged mooring to another vessel involves performing the same maneuvers as when mooring to the berth. The difference is that the bow of a suitable yacht (in relation to another vessel) forms a sharper angle than when moored to the berth. If the vessel is smaller in size, an almost parallel mooring is allowed using an anchor.

When mooring loaded vessels, it is necessary to take into account the draft obtained, and, if possible, use the engine propeller. According to the experts 2yachts, the use of two propellers significantly increases the yacht's maneuverability, guaranteeing safe mooring in all weather conditions.