A set of vital products on long voyages on the water
Denis Korablev
  • 18.03.2020
  • 397

A set of vital products on long voyages on the water

Proper nutrition is necessary for us to maintain health, in everyday activities, but most of all we need the right food during periods of intense stress. And since yachting is an energy-consuming type of recreation (both on a yacht and ashore), sellers are required to follow a balanced diet that can become a reliable source of energy. Only with the help of this kind of food can you get the most out of your travels.

Depending on the conditions yacht charter, balanced meals may be included, but if you travel on your own - it is important to know the main list of products at sea, and it makes no difference - whether you need a momentary recharge or you need to organize meals for the entire cruise, these recommendations will help you get benefits and enjoy the taste. Below is a list of products that combine rich benefits and energy for a vibrant vacation.


Fatty fish

Tuna and salmon, which are rich in omega-polyunsaturated fatty acids, are rich in nutritious protein that increases the tone of the body and eliminates the causes of constant fatigue. For maximum benefits, choose wild-caught fish, which are much higher in vitamins B12 and D than farm-raised fish.

Greek Feta cheese

Feta cheese (milk from sheep is used for its production along with goat) contains minerals and substances that have a positive effect on digestion. This cheese can be used to dress salads, make sandwiches and pastries with it.


It's not just that eggs deliver pure protein to our bodies, they also contain minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that support your energy stores. To preserve the nutritional value of eggs, it is preferable to boil them rather than fry them.

Nuts with seeds

Even a few tens of grams of nuts contain enough nutrients to recharge the energy for an energy-intensive activity like sailing. Popular foods available at beachside supermarkets include pumpkin seeds, seeds, walnuts and almonds.



Thanks to the antioxidants found in citrus fruits, these fruits are good for helping the body to cope with fatigue and aging. At the same time, the habit of drinking orange juice is not as beneficial as many people think. Fruit must be separated from the main food, so the juice should be drunk 1-2 hours after breakfast. And drinking orange juice on an empty stomach can cause serious consequences, irritating the mucous membrane and causing harm.

Bananas with apples

Apples and bananas serve as an unprecedented source of nutrients and fiber - if the former supply the body with energy for a long time, the latter deliver energy quickly enough. By combining these fruits throughout the day, you will be able to "recharge" and feel a surge of energy all the time. However, you should adhere to the rules, for example: bananas should not be eaten in the early morning, as they are high in magnesium. In fact, magnesium is good for you, but a sudden “magnesium recharge” on an empty stomach can disrupt the potassium-magnesium balance, leaving you feeling tired rather than awake.


Greens are valuable for the body, because spinach, white cabbage, asparagus and collard greens contain a lot of nutrients. Also, garden vegetation can be very helpful in preventing the development of cancer. It's not for nothing that doctors constantly tell us that we need to eat greens. The properties of white cabbage allow it to retain its beneficial properties for a long period and does not require any special storage conditions.



Hot oatmeal from early morning will make you feel "on the rise" until lunchtime - whole grain porridge has a high content of nutrients that tone the body. Porridge is also good for the heart, but sweet cereals are best avoided, since they are deprived of the advantages that classic oatmeal has. It's best to buy traditional cereals by cooking and eating them with added nuts, honey, or seeds to your taste.


Seemingly ordinary buckwheat is able to give a feeling of satiety for a long time, saturating the body with potassium, iron and fiber. Also, this porridge helps to strengthen blood vessels and maintain the health of the nervous system.


Beans of various types are very useful for the body - thanks to dietary fiber and antioxidants, they saturate you, giving you a feeling of fullness and filling the body with energy. Among the most acceptable dishes in this category are black and red beans, and lentils are healthy because they are rich in protein and do not need to be soaked, like beans, for example. They have a relatively high nutritional value and are able to replenish energy stores throughout the day without interruption. Eat wisely!


After you have managed to place things in the cabin, stock up on groceries in the nearest supermarket and replenish the reserves of fuel and drinking water, you will think: have you forgotten about something? Be sure to look for vitamins in your reserves - sources of maintaining our overall health.

Which vitamins are the most essential? You may need to supplement your healthy food stack with a range of supplements before you travel. The list of vitamin supplements will depend on your age, existing health problems and the chosen diet, since it is food that serves as a source of vital nutrients for us. At the same time, you are unlikely to want to become a healthy lifestyle adherent who bites any food with pills and is forced to constantly carry them with him. However, there are a number of supplements whose benefits cannot be overestimated:

Vitamin D3

Of course, while sailing on a yacht, you will spend whole days under the scorching sun, but this vitamin will help the absorption of calcium, which will guarantee the good condition of your bones in the future. And do not forget that even the most sunny rest cannot replace the lack of vitamin D3 - you should take care of purchasing a package for at least 2000 IU - international units, in the designations of foreign manufacturers.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is water-soluble, and is able to protect human immunity from the manifestation of colds and inflammatory processes, it is also required for the development, growth of the body and the regeneration of its individual parts.

B vitamins

Regardless of whether you plan to drink alcohol or not, the B complex of vitamins charges biological energy, relieves hangover symptoms and improves appetite. At the same time, the ability to smooth out the adverse effects of meals is not only one advantage of group B, these vitamins are involved in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters, and also guarantee the stable functioning of the nervous system and the health of the skin. With a lack of these substances in the body, nervousness, increased fatigue and a decrease in attention are observed (which is unacceptable on a sea voyage!).


As you know, calcium is able to keep bones in good condition - and this contributes to better tolerance to physical activity on board.


Magnesium is an irreplaceable assistant in the fight against migraines, insomnia, stimulating the digestive processes. And magnesium has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart - when going to sea, be sure to purchase this drug.


Probiotics are the basis for healthy digestion, which is very important on board. Also, these substances help to improve sleep, improving overall mood.

Citing the above-mentioned products and vitamins, the specialists 2yachts do not suggest that you limit yourself to them - by no means, on the contrary , yachting is a fun adventure that you should enjoy (and food is no different). By making these foods the mainstay of your onboard diet, you can get more energy for an intense and vibrant stay.