Tips for various emergencies on a yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 15.09.2021
  • 601

Tips for various emergencies on a yacht

Going out to sea on a yacht is a unique combination of extreme sports, fishing, swimming and sunbathing. But above all, a yacht is a vehicle, the use of which requires strict adherence to certain rules. Modern safety regulations and accepted standards of conduct are a crystallization of the experience of many generations of true sailors.

In order to avoid an emergency on rented yacht, everyone on board must learn the basic rule: "Word captain - the law! ". It is worth remembering that the captain on a ship is an investigator, a prosecutor, and a court of last instance.

Absolutely everyone who learns yachting attends lectures on how to safely stay on board a sailing vessel. But the theory is significantly different from the ability to make the the only correct decision in a real struggle with the elements. The captain, as an immutable authority, personally conducts instructions before the yacht goes to sea and in the future, his every order, and orders are carried out unquestioningly.

The basic rules do not constitute a specific set of laws, but contribute to a safe stay on the yacht, influencing the success of the sea voyage in general.

To avoid minor injuries it is necessary:

  • take extra care when moving around the deck. The protruding parts of the structure can cause leg bruises;
  • work with rigging (ropes), should be performed only with gloves that protect against hand injury;
  • it is customary to go down the ship's ladder backwards;
  • when on deck, a hat is required. Intense sun rays have a negative effect on the skin, which leads to scalding of the skin and a baked scalp.

To avoid serious injury:

  • it is absolutely forbidden to move around the deck with boiling water or a hot pot;
  • the boom is a potential threat, its impact should be avoided as a mortal danger;
  • hair should be tied neatly. If hair or fingers get caught in machinery, it can cause serious injury;
  • it is strictly forbidden to kick off the pier or other vessel with your feet;
  • the onboard covers and hatches are a deadly threat. Therefore, they must be in place and securely closed.

Rules of conduct for inclement weather:

  • when the wind rises to 15-20 knots, everyone on board is required to wear life jackets;
  • when wearing a harness, fastening is mandatory;
  • the harness is put under the life jacket;
  • with a strong wave and heaving, the best way to move is to pose on all fours, holding on to any well-fixed object;
  • it is the responsibility of each crew member to know the location of their lifejacket;
  • it is forbidden to swim in the lifejacket as there are disposable models.

In case of emergency "Man overboard":

  • the first one who saw a man overboard shouts loudly about it, not stopping to follow what was found;
  • a lifebuoy or any floating object that can keep him afloat is thrown as close as possible to a drowning man;
  • an alarm must be triggered by pressing the MOB button on the GPS plotter;
  • perform immediate maneuvering on the yacht to get close and rescue a drowning man.
  • passengers not taking part in the rescue should not interfere with the well-coordinated work of the crew.

Fire situations:

  • smoking in cabins is strictly prohibited. In exceptional cases, with special care, smoking is possible with special permission, but only from the leeward side;
  • if an oil fire occurs in the galley, it is prohibited to extinguish it with water. Flame is extinguished with a lid, foam fire extinguisher or thick, non-combustible cloth;
  • if the engine catches fire, turn it off and use fire extinguishers;
  • the location of fire extinguishers, sand boxes, and other fire-fighting equipment should be known to all team members.

Use of signals and means in emergency situations:

  • SOS signal is used when there is a real threat of loss of people or a vessel. It is broadcast by voice over the radio using channel 16, or use the Ditress button;
  • turning on the device EPIRB automatically transmits a distress signal to the satellite;
  • SART also works automatically;
  • smoke bombs, hand flares and rockets are used at intervals of 3-5 minutes;
  • when an emergency evacuation is required, the Panpan signal from the radio is used.

Experts 2yachts note that all the rules given are quite simple and understandable, written by the experience and labor of sailors generations past, and adhering to them can save the life of every sailor, while saving the lives of others.