Why is it worth studying at a sailing school
Denis Korablev
  • 09.11.2020
  • 416

Why is it worth studying at a sailing school

It is worth taking training at a yachting school because this way you can discover a new type of high-quality active recreation. You can go on a trip on your own or rented yacht at any time of the year by choosing a suitable country and planning your own unique itinerary in advance.
TOP 10 most beautiful fjords in the world
Denis Korablev
  • 06.11.2020
  • 763

TOP 10 most beautiful fjords in the world

If you suddenly find it too insipid to rest on the overcrowded beaches of European resorts with a warm sea and century-old pine trees approaching close to the water, you should try to go on a yacht to the northern regions.
7 most picturesque lighthouses in the world
Denis Korablev
  • 04.11.2020
  • 591

7 most picturesque lighthouses in the world

Lighthouses are the main coastal landmarks for navigators of past eras, indicating that the land is very close. Today they serve as a romantic reminder of the past, attracting travelers who dream of conquering new countries.
Interesting options for New Year's gifts for the yachtsman
Denis Korablev
  • 03.11.2020
  • 494

Interesting options for New Year's gifts for the yachtsman

New Year is a great occasion to gather in the company of friends, relatives or colleagues who are keen on yachting and congratulate them, as well as to please them with a valuable and interesting gift on the maritime theme.
The best maritime museums in Europe
Denis Korablev
  • 30.10.2020
  • 2,046

The best maritime museums in Europe

Traveling on a yacht in Europe, you should definitely see picturesque landscapes and beautiful views, clear sea and interesting places for coastal diving, as well as taste delicious national cuisine in luxurious coastal restaurants.
An overview of 10 mobile apps every yachtsman needs
Denis Korablev
  • 14.10.2020
  • 573

An overview of 10 mobile apps every yachtsman needs

Like the vast majority of the world's inhabitants, yachtsmen are accustomed to smartphones and, whenever possible, use the functions of mobile technology for more comfortable, convenient and safe boat control.
On the strength of the wind in sailing
Denis Korablev
  • 02.10.2020
  • 912

On the strength of the wind in sailing

Wind in sailing yachting is a major factor considered by all boaters. Knowledge of the nature of the wind, the parameters of its occurrence and impact on the weather makes it possible to determine the course, choose convenient parking, plan transitions and select tactics when participating in regattas.
5 popular Russian rivers for sailing
Denis Korablev
  • 25.09.2020
  • 471

5 popular Russian rivers for sailing

Seasoned sailors know that many factors should be taken into account when choosing one of the rivers as a route - such as shallow areas, rapids, depth differences, weather changes, etc.
Tips for choosing a yacht interior
Denis Korablev
  • 22.09.2020
  • 540

Tips for choosing a yacht interior

The interior of pleasure yachts should correspond to their purpose, that is, create conditions for a comfortable rest. After all, the romance of sea voyages is determined, among other things, by the qualities of the ship on which the voyages are made.
Autopilot on a yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 16.09.2020
  • 840

Autopilot on a yacht

After purchasing a yacht, you should think about choosing a high-quality and reliable autopilot, because with such a device you will be able to pay more attention to the crew and be sure that the vessel will not go off course and will come to the destination port.
Features of yachting on the Moscow Region reservoirs
Denis Korablev
  • 14.09.2020
  • 404

Features of yachting on the Moscow Region reservoirs

The popularity of rest on yachts in the Moscow region is gradually increasing. The reason for this, apparently, is the economic considerations of Russians and Muscovites, in particular, as well as noticeable climatic changes in recent decades.
Best Regions in Italy for Yacht Charter
Denis Korablev
  • 09.09.2020
  • 483

Best Regions in Italy for Yacht Charter

Depending on the geographic location, the density and quality of natural and cultural attractions and other factors, there are a number of regions in Italy that are most suitable for travel on chartered yachts.
New Year on a yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 08.09.2020
  • 523

New Year on a yacht

It is unusual to celebrate the New Year - the dream of many travelers and tourists, and every year some of them decide to celebrate the main holiday of the year abroad, including on a yacht.
How to choose the right outboard motor for your yacht
Denis Korablev
  • 31.08.2020
  • 989

How to choose the right outboard motor for your yacht

The modern powerboat market can offer a wide variety of reliable and durable branded outboard motors. Let's take a look at some tips and tricks to follow in order to choose the right motor for your yacht.
Swimming in the fog
Denis Korablev
  • 31.08.2020
  • 524

Swimming in the fog

Fog is a natural phenomenon that creates high risks of ship collisions during shipping. The appearance of fog is due to the approach of the air temperature to the dew point by 3 degrees. Typically, fog extends over water or land.
Travel route planning rules
Denis Korablev
  • 26.08.2020
  • 436

Travel route planning rules

The success of the trip and the pleasure obtained from yachting largely depend on the correct planning of the route. Therefore, here we will try to consider the factors that must be taken into account when choosing a sailing route.
Anchorage selection rules
Denis Korablev
  • 17.08.2020
  • 608

Anchorage selection rules

The right choice of anchorage and the proper length of the anchor chain determines the peace of mind of your night's rest. Many boaters think they know where to choose an anchorage location and how to properly anchor.
Tips for newcomers sailing as skipper for the first time
Denis Korablev
  • 07.08.2020
  • 536

Tips for newcomers sailing as skipper for the first time

Going to sea for the first time as a captain is the most important moment in the life of any yachtsman, and if everything goes smoothly, it rewards you with confidence in your abilities in the future.
How to check a diesel when buying a used yacht without starting it
Denis Korablev
  • 05.08.2020
  • 462

How to check a diesel when buying a used yacht without starting it

When purchasing a used yacht with a diesel engine, the problem of checking it arises. The fact is that the owner who "knows" the engine can distort the current problems so strongly that it will inadvertently mislead even an experienced specialist.
Guidelines for choosing reliable binoculars for a yachtsman
Denis Korablev
  • 27.07.2020
  • 439

Guidelines for choosing reliable binoculars for a yachtsman

Marine binoculars are an optical instrument that is becoming an essential tool for the sailor. The importance of binoculars on board a ship can hardly be overestimated, and in order to be able to see the most distant objects and examine small details in any weather on land and at sea, it is worth purchasing a waterproof device.